Installation view of Blur bs, from The Abjection Collection, an artistic research PhD by Steve Ouditt
Over the course of 2008, on a bi-monthly schedule, Steve Ouditt will exhibit six works from his current artistic research PhD, The Abjection Collection. All six exhibitions will be installed at Alice Yard on the last Friday of the month, with the first exhibition on 29 February.
On the Friday of each exhibition, Ouditt will read excerpts from his PhD thesis, and the installed work will remain as part of Alice Yard's regular “Conversations in de Yard” Friday series.
The five subsequent exhibitions are scheduled for 25 April, 27 June, 29 August, 31 October, and 19 December. These will be announced closer to the scheduled dates.
Ouditt's artistic research PhD, The Abjection Collection, is being done through the Cultural Studies Programme of the Department of Liberal Arts, Faculty of Humanities and Education, University of the West Indies, St Augustine.
Interesting work. I am curious to see how the rest of the series unfolds. I must admit though, I made a beeline for my bookshelf for my dictionary when I got home.
What was striking about it for me was the play on the word or image as he called it- BLUR BS. clearly mapped out in the series of images or words he installed- blurred bullshit. Of course referring to the politics of the day, well(the way I see it) mostly the manning administration and their bullshit, but also the politics of represntation, which may very well lead right back to the bullshit of government politics.It reminds me of something one of my teachers once said - 'Dazzle dem with brilliance or baffle or blur,in Ouditt's case, dem with bullshit.
No forkin transparency in dis mudduh scunt place!
Beautiful site...wish I had visited while on my recent visit...
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