Still from Rex vs. Singh (2008)
Richard Fung is a Trinidad-born, Toronto-based video artist and writer. His single channel videos and projections have been widely exhibited and collected internationally, and his articles have been published in numerous journals and anthologies. He is the co-author with Monika Kin Gagnon of 13: Conversations on Art and Cultural Race Politics. Fung has been a Rockefeller Fellow at New York University, and a visiting professor at the Mass Communication Research Centre at Jamia Millia Islamia in New Delhi. He teaches at OCAD University.
On Tuesday 11 January, Fung will give a talk at Alice Yard about his recent projects and current work in progress. The event will include a screening of Fung’s recent video work Rex vs. Singh (2008; 29:25 minutes), made in collaboration with Ali Kazimi and John Greyson.
In 1915, two Sikh mill-workers, Dalip Singh and Naina Singh, were entrapped by undercover police in Vancouver, British Columbia, and accused of sodomy. This experimental video stages scenes from their trial, told four times: first as a period drama, second as a documentary investigation of the case, third as a musical agit-prop, and fourth, as a deconstruction of the actual court transcript. Rex vs. Singh was commissioned by the Queer History Project of Out on Screen, Vancouver Queer Film Festival.
All are invited.
For more information about the artist, see:
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