Saturday, October 8, 2022

Belmont nongkrong

Alice Yard / documenta fifteen
Wednesday 12 October, 2022 / from 7 pm at Granderson Lab, Belmont

We learned a new word in the documenta lumbung. Nongkrong, Indonesian for “hanging out”, means more or less the same as liming.

documenta fifteen is over. What did we see and hear, what did we learn, who did we meet? Did we “make friends, not art”? Or did we make friends and art?

On Wednesday 12 October, from 7 pm, we’ll be at Granderson Lab for a post-documenta nongkrong — conversing, reflecting, spending time together, and sharing some fragments and traces of the various activations Alice Yard and our visiting artists made in Kassel during the 100 days of documenta fifteen. This is also a moment to belatedly commemorate our sixteenth anniversary in September, and continue imagining the way ahead with friends old and new.

All are invited.

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